When a Fire Strikes a Library

When we think of our communities, it's hard to imagine one without a library. Libraries provide neighborhoods with incredibly important services that go way beyond reading books: computer access, educational activities and services, and a chance to make friends with others in the community. We can't even picture something threatening occurring somewhere as innocuous as […]

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The 411 on Flameproofing Scenery

We New Yorkers love a good Broadway show, don't we? As those who live and work in Manhattan, the theater is close to our hearts. While we are enjoying these incredible performances, it's highly unlikely that we are even thinking about how combustible some of these amazing sets and scenery could be if they weren't […]

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The Scoop on Flameproofing Temporary Structures

One of the most exciting things about running a business is hosting special events - the promotions and celebrations we put out for the public that drive business and raise enthusiasm. There are all kinds of preparation that take place for this - including the design of sets and props and scenery in order to […]

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What Actually Happens When Flameproofing Take Place

We all know what it's like to watch the news and get that sinking feeling when we see a devastating fire occur. It's a natural first question to wonder if anything could have been done to prevent it. Thankfully, there are many fires we never see on the news because fire safety preventative measures actually […]

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What Decorations in My Building Need to Be Flameproofed?

If you are considering having your place of business flameproofed as required by the FDNY, you may have some questions. You may be wondering exactly which items in your building need to be treated with fire retardants? While the idea of 'decorations' that need to be treated can seem a little fuzzy, we are here […]

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Case Study: Station Nightclub Fire, W. Warwick, RI

Have you ever heard of the saying, "Those who don't learn from history will be doomed to repeat it"? This idea comes from writer George Santayana, and while it can carry a tone of foreboding, it also calls out to instruct us as well. The wise ones are those who look at history and learn […]

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Case Study: Winecoff Hotel Fire, Atlanta, GA

There are few things that strike fear in our hearts like hearing about a fire. When one occurs in a public setting like a hotel or a theater, the potential for all kinds of devastation increases greatly. In our country's history, there have been several fires that would be considered disastrous. In order to learn […]

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Case Study: Iroquois Theater Fire, Chicago IL

When we are trying to figure out the best ways to prevent a fire, one strategy to use is to flip sides and look at the causes of fires. In doing this, we are able to understand the root of what happened and take steps in avoiding those very same actions. As we scrutinize certain […]

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Case Study: Brooklyn Theater Fire, Brooklyn NY

Anyone who is a smart student of history will look at events from the past and learn from them.  Sometimes, preventable mistakes are made, and if we carefully take note of them, we can make sure that we don't make the same ones.  This applies to many circumstances in human history, and it also applies […]

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The Flameproofing Process Explained

A common question we get here at Manhattan Flameproofing is "So, what's involved in the flameproofing process?" A lot of times, business owners already have in their heads that fireproofing a building is a long and complicated process. They often wonder about the steps involved in applying flame repellent spray; additionally, they also have questions […]

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What It Means to be a Certified Flameproofing Company

The task of having your business establishment flameproofed according to the law and FDNY standards is an important one. So important, in fact, that lives literally depend up on it. Having your property fireproofed is not a job that you want to hand over to just any company. You want to make sure you are […]

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What's The Big Deal About Flameproofing?

When someone decides to begin a business, there are so many things he or she must consider. The to-do list to get a business off the ground is enormous, and it is easy for important things to get overlooked. While safety is something that is at the top of that list for every business owner, […]

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The Devastation of Secondary Losses from Fires

Anyone who has lived through a fire knows that it is one of the most frightening tragedies a human can experience. Our first concern, as it should be, is the safety and survival of those involved. However, after the loss of human life, there is another devastation to consider: the secondary loss of property and […]

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How Safe are the Materials Used for Flameproofing?

Thanks to science and technology these days, we are so much more informed as to what is healthy and safe for our bodies and the environment. We take great care to know what is in the foods we eat, the cleaners we use, and the materials that come in contact with our skin and body. […]

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Legal Issues Related to Fireproofing

When you decided to start a business, chances are that it came out of a love and passion for something in particular: food, acting, music, science, marketing, etc. Sometimes, the legal aspects of running a business can dampen your enthusiasm and feel like it is taking you away from what you love to do. However, […]

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Fire Department-Authorized Certified Flameproofing Company

According to the FDNY, over 26,000 structural fires occurred in New York City in 2010 alone. Research has shown that flame-resistant or flameproofed materials can help stop these disastrous fires from starting and keep the flames from spreading. The FDNY requires that all decorations, drapes, curtains, and other materials used for artistic enhancement in public […]

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NYC Flameproofing Company to Flameproof Bars

FDNY code requires that all decorations and materials used for artistic enhancement be flameproofed (fireproofed). This code applies to all public buildings, including bars. FDNY code requires that all decorations and materials used for artistic enhancement be flameproofed (fireproofed). This code applies to all public buildings, including bars. According to the FDNY, over 26,000 structural […]

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